Optimal Health for Women

Blog Being Successful with Your New Year's Resolution

For women, finding time to care for their own health is hard. National Women’s Health Day took place this week. This is day that is known as a time for women to take control of their health. You may have participated at a local event and that is fantastic. Now what do you plan to do from there to continue to be good to yourself?

As women, we tend to have someone to care for that we always put before ourselves. In doing this, we sometimes forget that if we do not take care of ourselves, we will not be able to continue to take care of others.

You are probably thinking, who has time, right? These are some things that you can do to care for yourself that you may be able to find time for:



Eating healthy

Keeping health appointments

Taking prescribed medications

The simple movement that we must all do to survive, breathe

Practice the art of saying “no” to something you really don’t want to do. That alone opens the door for YOU time.

In regards to exercise, be sure to include it. This could be strength training, an exercise class, walking and/or yoga.   Be sure to have clearance from your physician before beginning a new exercise program. Just like vital nutrients, exercise helps us to fight off disease.

It’s easy to neglect the nutrition part of caring for ourselves, but it is just as easy to include it as well. Some of the key nutrients for us as women are protein, carbohydrate, calcium, vitamin D, potassium, iron and folic acid. These nutrients can be included by eating a variety of foods that include:

Lean meats, eggs, fish, nuts, tofu (set with calcium sulfate to provide calcium), beans and lentils

Carbohydrate foods to provide energy and help to keep blood sugar stable. It is the preferred source of fuel by our bodies.

Concerned about sugars? The sugars you will want to be careful of are added sugars such as in sweet rolls, donuts, cookies, candy, sugar sweetened beverages, cakes, pies, etc.

Get good sources of high fiber carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits and veggies, beans, lentils and peas.

Key nutrients are also found in dairy products for calcium, vitamin D and potassium.

Remember, in order to remain strong so that we can care for others, we must keep ourselves healthy first.Icon Only for blog endings June 2016 25x25

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